Andrea Štanclová

| Psychologist | Therapist |

Andrea works with adults in individual therapy and provides communication counseling for individuals and couples. She supports clients to their own higher awareness and accompanies them in an equal dialogue towards freer decisions. She also works with a therapeutic relationship, in which the client can discover completely new forms of relating and communication. She has experience with clients with various forms of mental disorders, with clients who are going through a difficult life period, such as the loss of a loved one, family breakdowns, illness in the family, difficulties in relationships with other people, emotional problems, problems with boundaries, parental issues, addictive behaviors, or tension and pressure from the workplace. She consults in Czech and English.

Andrea received her Master’s Degree from the Prague University of Psychosocial Studies in Prague, majoring in Social Work with a focus on Communication and Applied Psychotherapy. She completed the long-term psychotherapy self-experience training in the SUR model - Dynamic Approach in Psychotherapy, training in Educational Parental Therapy, and Relaxation Methods in Practice. She completed other courses, such as the Structured Methods of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, Dasein Analysis and Counseling in Psychotherapeutic Practice, Drama Therapy, Daseinanalytic Interpretation of Dreams, Psychosocial Counseling and other. She has a psychiatric minimum and her work is regularly supervised by PhDr. Michael Chytrý. Andrea opened her private practice in Jihlava in 2016 and is a co-founder of the Vinohradské Psychotherapeutic Center.