Barbora Holasová

| Therapist | Consultant |

In her work as a psychologist, Barbora considers as the most important to create an environment of trust and safety, using empathy and respect for the individuality and needs of each client. It is based on a systemic approach that helps reveal our own resources for solving a problematic situation. She also uses elements of crisis intervention, which focuses on the state of "here and now" and stabilizes emotions, thus helping to clarify even complex and seemingly intractable situations. Barbora most often helps clients with the topics of pain, fear, sadness, helplessness, trauma, loss, domestic and sexual violence or supports them in working with emotions. She consults in the Czech language.

Barbora completed her Master's Degree in Social Work with a focus on Communication and Applied Psychotherapy at the Prague University of Psychosocial Studies and also received a Master's Degree in Teaching Czech Language and Literature for Secondary Schools at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. She is currently attending long-term psychotherapeutic training in Systemic Psychotherapy. She is also a graduate of Chat Crisis Intervention Training and is continuing her education. She participated in several courses and seminars, including the courses Basic crisis intervention in the context of social services, Work with a traumatized client in the context of social services, Narrative work with survivors, Sexual violence and trauma, Crisis from the perspective of logotherapy and existence, or Basics of body work. She also completed a professional internship at the Contact Center Anabell Prague. Professionally, she devoted herself to social work with people released from prison, work with people with mental and physical disabilities as an assistant in social services, work with people with eating disorders and recently also therapeutic work with long-term patients and their loved ones or crisis intervention for victims of domestic and sexual violence.