Zuzana Pjeczková Repková

| Psychologist | Therapist |

Zuzana is a psychologist and therapist mainly working with adolescent and adult clients. She counsels areas such as anxiety, depression, panic attacks, coping with difficult life situations, trauma, painful memories, working with dreams, stress, relationships, parenting skills, personal development and more. Each client comes with a different life journey and in order to understand them as best as possible, she tries to "walk in their shoes and accompany them". Zuzana consults in the Slovak language.

She worked with various groups of people in moments of crisis, including young people or families with problems within the framework of cooperation with the Internet Counseling Center (IPčko.sk), as well as working at the Center for Labor, Social Affairs and Family. She currently cooperates with the Police Force of the Slovak Republic and devotes herself to her own practice. 

Zuzana graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. She gained her first experience working with children at the Secondary Pedagogical School in Levoča through practice in various kindergartens and school clubs. In 2021, she completed a long-term psychotherapeutic training program in Adlerian Counseling and Psychotherapy. She attends training in Eye-Movement Desensitization (EMDR) Therapy, which treats unprocessed traumatic experiences and the resulting difficulties. She regularly participates in shorter professional courses and workshops, such as Emotions in the Counseling Process, Counseling Client's Destructive Aggression, Counseling Couples, Parents and Families, and Counseling Skills for Working with Children and Adolescents.