Pavla works mainly with adult or adolescent clients and provides family counseling regarding mental health problems of family members. She devotes herself to psychotherapeutic work with clients with various types of problems and focuses on working with clients with difficulties in experiencing and regulating emotions, and with patients who self-harm and have suicidal tendencies. She has many years of experience in counseling work with clients with mental illnesses at the Psychiatric Clinic of the Brno University Hospital and also with Crisis Intervention at the Crisis Center of the Psychiatric Clinic of the Brno University Hospital. She also has experience working in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. She consults in Czech and English.
Pavla received her Master’s Degree in Psychology at the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University and her Doctorate Degree in Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University in Brno. She completed the long-term psychotherapeutic training in Gestalt psychotherapy and completed a comprehensive training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy in Great Britain at the British Isles DBT Training Institute. Since 2016, she has been working at the Psychiatric Clinic of the Brno University Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine of the Masaryk University Brno as a psychologist, and at the same time leading a comprehensive psychotherapy program in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. She also practices psychotherapy in her private practice, conducts training courses in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and teaches psychopathology and psychiatry at the Faculty of Social Studies and the Faculty of Medicine of the Masaryk University in Brno. She is also involved in research in the field of mental disorders.