Hana Štěpánková

| Psychologist | Therapist |

Hana works as a psychologist and therapist who believes that everyone is an expert on their own life. She offers a safe environment and respect for uniqueness. Together with the client, she looks for answers, resources and the path that will be the right one for the client. She supports clients with issues such as anxiety, stress, self-discovery, finding resources, relationships, communication. She consults in the Czech language.

Hana received her Master’s Degree in Social Work with a major in Communication and Applied Psychotherapy at the Prague University of Psychosocial Studies. She completed a five-year self-experiential training in psychotherapy focused on Dasein Analysis accredited for healthcare by the Czech Medical Society J.E. Purkyně. She completed several other training courses, such as Dasein Analysis in Psychotherapeutic and Counseling Practice I., II. and III., Introduction to Psychosomatics I., II. and III., Family Reconstruction, Small Family Renovation, Family Maps: social anamnesis and family diagnostics, Family Diagnosis and Therapy, Group and Individual Work with Children and Youth, Child's Personality - Montessori Pedagogy in Practice, Rogerian Psychotherapy, Gestalt Therapy and Basic Coaching. Hana worked as a therapist in the Anima Reflex Team and as an activation therapist in the Hagibor Social Care Home. She also provided psychosocial help for oncological patients and their loved ones as a volunteer in Amelie and led a Dasein-Analytical Counseling Program for the specific prevention of socially pathological phenomena at a primary school.